Athletic Therapist/
julia macleod-pharand
Certified Athletic Therapist
Practicing Kinesiologist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Diploma in Exercise and Wellness
Bachelor of Athletic and Exercise Therapy
Yoga Teacher Training
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Yoga Training
Prehab 101 - injury prevention
We are so excited to announce that we have snagged another amazing multitalented practitioner. Having spent many years here on the island enjoying hiking, mountain biking, beach combing and learning, she has settled in Esquimalt to build her thriving practice. Julia comes to us with a wealth of knowledge in sports rehabilitation, yoga therapy, hydrotherapy and exercise therapy which has helped her cultivated her holistic approach to health. She helps her clients return to activity in her roles as an Athletic Therapist and Kinesiologist. Whether you are looking for hands-on treatment or wanting an active treatment plan to get you back to the things you love, Julia has the skills. Julia helps many clients whether they are rehabilitating an injury, preventing injuries or increasing physical performance in sports or daily life. Outside of work she enjoys running, strength training and yoga.